KCK Soapery Blog

Monday, March 15, 2021

Lethal Agent

Mitch Rapp is a favorite series of mine and with a title like "Lethal Agent"  I could not resist and borrowed a copy from our library when it was available.   

As I was reading this in October of 2020, I kept on thinking Kyle Mills might be a clairvoyant or have some kind of a premonition as he was writing this book as this was first published in 2019.  But the book reads like you are reading the current events with Covid 19 and our own Presidential election going on.

Here is a link to the author Kyle Mills page.  Kyle was able to continue Mitch's character just as Vince Flynn had written in the past with Mitch's strong sense of saving the United States no matter what the cost and without any political agenda to his actions.

In this book ISIS forces a French microbiologist to manufacture a lethal bioweapon in Yemen and tried their best to bring it in to American soil which include working with drug cartels.  All  while America is in a political chaos with a presidential election coming up and the leading presidential contender being an enemy to the CIA director which made Mitch's job even more tricky.

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