KCK Soapery Blog

Saturday, February 13, 2021

The House In The Cerulean Sea

Thank you "K" for recommending this book.  This was my first TJ Klune book.  The House in the Cerulean Sea is pure enchantment with a story that is touching to the core. It is about Linus, a caseworker for the Department in Charge of Magical Youth.  He was sent to the Marsays Island Orphanage to investigate the house, the six magical youth living there which include a sprite, a gnome, an urchin-like blob, a pomeranian-boy shifter, a wyvern and the anti-christ and their caretaker the mysterious Arthur.

Linus is a very kind person in his 40s living his life as a caseworker for 17 years.  He love his job and has no plans of changing anything.  Living the same every day life in a bubble where everything is safe and predictable.  But he eventually got the Extremely Upper Management to notice his work which made them decide to send him to the island.  The adventure begins and he realized what has been missing in his life.

In this day and age when everybody is categorized, stereotyped and judged before acceptance into a community, this book will show you that people even the very different ones have the same wants and needs as all of us.  In the 4 countries I have visited and lived, the US of A is the loudest about acceptance no matter your gender, color, religion,your culture or traditions.  But it is also the country where everybody is so pressured to belong, to prove their worth or be closeted.  This book will really hit people who are inclined to be prejudice towards the unknown, the different, the anti-christ who is portrayed as a six year old charming boy and those who are against gay romance.  

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