KCK Soapery Blog

Sunday, August 15, 2021



May 31, 2008 - August 8, 2021

We picked Bandit up to join our family on May 29, 2013.  His previous family described him as a gentle giant and he was the best four legged friend for both our 5 and 9 year old at that time.  He has become the youngest in our family and wrapped us all in his little giant paws.  Memories of the eight years with Bandit will always be cherished and treasured.

Bandit was a mixed Great Pyrenees and Australian Shepherd.  These two breeds according to Brain-Sharper are described as:

"The Very Devoted Great Pyrenees

As we said in the title, if you're looking for loyalty and devotion in a dog, then look no further than the Great Pyrenees. This dog is very friendly towards its family and very gentle with children, but will often be wary of other dogs and strangers who will likely want to pet this gentle giant. That being said, we've gotta warn you to watch out for that fur. They tend to shed, so a good brushing will often help keep it under control."

"The Originally American, Australian Shepherd

Despite their Aussie name, this breed developed mostly in the US. The Australian Shepherd is renowned for its good-natured, protective, and intelligent temperament, which makes them well-rounded to families with children or other dogs. Aussies are also one of the smartest dog breeds, with their climate flexibility and easy-to-train nature. However, they require physical maintenance due to their eye issues and shedding fur. In addition, they cannot be left alone for long due to their strong bond with their owners."

 We hang out on the porch or the garage the last few days since he can't get up the steps anymore.  As you can see in the pictures below, he still gave us his trademark smile up to the time he passed for that rainbow bridge.

Dr. Benson a vet at Countryside Animal Clinic diagnosed Bandit with Osteosarcoma on July 29, 2021.  We all spent the whole day of August 8, 2021 with him until Dr. Benson came at 4 pm.  The whole process was heart breaking for us but peaceful for Bandit.

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Dylan, R.D. (2020, June 23). 35+ Of The Most Peaceful Dog Breeds. Brain Shaper. Retrieved from https://brain-sharper.com/social/35-peaceful-dogs-tb/35/  

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