KCK Soapery Blog

Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Covid-19 Vaccination

Update II:: Booster was/is recommended because of waning, so most of my coworkers and I got our booster shot.  I had mine on Friday, October 8, 2021 and I felt the same as my first and second shot.  Just tired and sore arm where the shot was given.

Update I:  I got my second dose on Monday, January 11, 2021 at 1400, went to work and started feeling soreness in my arm earlier at around 1700.  I basically had the same symptoms as I did the first dose, a little headache, more sore arms, some runny nose and more tired.  Having said that.   Everybody reacts differently after first and second dose. The number of symptoms and severity you feel might be different from mine as proven from talking with friends from work.  This is just how my body reacts.  

Here is a link to the CDC about the vaccine.  Here is a link to our local hospital about the importance of Covid vaccine.  Here is the link of the vacccine I got Pzifer-BioNTech Covid-19 Vaccine.

The controversy for this vaccine is very high.  Predictably understandable though, since the virus itself is new and the vaccine has not been studied long enough for some people to feel comfortable with it.

As for me, my thoughts were, if I am to get a severe reaction to it, my body will react THE SAME way if I do it now or next year.  Our family has been vaccinated with all the vaccines approved and recommended so why shy away from it now.

So, when an email from our hospital mentioned about the availability and that we can sign up for it.  I took the first available one that is convenient for me.  See, I work right next door to the ER.  So if I end up reacting badly to the vaccine, my co-workers can easily just push by body to the ER.

I had my shot yesterday, Monday, December 21, 2020 at 1450.  They told us to stay at least 15 minutes after the shot to see how we feel.  The nurse who gave me my shot has a gentle hand and I did not feel a thing during the injection.  Then I went to work.  Did not feel any soreness until about 2200 when I started feeling something whenever I move my left arm or bump it.  I thought it was just because we were  not so busy by that time and my brain was concentrating on the shot. Got home about 2345 and felt the soreness more when I had to lift my arms to change.  I would feel the soreness every now and then during my sleep whenever I turned to my left and I would get woken up by it.

This morning, I woke up with my temperature a degree higher than when I got my shot.  My temperature was 96.2 during the shot and I woke up 97.5, with some throbbing headaches every so often.  The arm is still sore but very negligible, I already had my breakfast and walked our Bandit a few minutes too.  

I already had my second shot appointment booked for January.  The hubby said the second dose is going to be more sore according to Dr. Radio show which he is an avid listener to.

I will keep this updated of any changes.  Thank you for stopping by...

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