KCK Soapery Blog

Thursday, September 24, 2015

July 2015 Camping

The hubby scheduled to run the Grand Island Trail Marathon on Saturday.  We decided to make it into a camping and vacation as well.

Bandit excited to go on a drive.  Not knowing he is going to be left at the kennel.

We started our drive with a great weather.  On our way, we stopped for lunch at St. Ignace where we witnessed a car that hit another which was backing out of the parking lot.  Otherwise, it was a great drive going up north.
The kids wanted to know if the elephant tree is still around.

It was a beautiful day for a swim.


The next day, we went to Kitch-Iti-Kipi and drove to Munising to pick up the running packet and stopped by the Wagner Falls on our way.  The afternoon was perfect for swimming which was a great way to end the day.  We had a rainy night.


Woke up at 4 am the next day to be on time for the ferry that would take us to the Grand Island.  We fortunately remembered to bring our mosquito spray this time.

The running trail this year was changed a little bit but we were able to meet our runner at around mile 8 or 9 and rode back with the bus to watched the hubby finished strong as ever.

While eating watermelon:
Me:  I will wait for leftovers
Lyn: There is always no leftovers for watermelon.

The tooth fairy came for Lyn's front tooth even at camp.

We slept in the next day and spent the day just lounging and swimming.

The next day we went on a pictured rocks boat tour.  This was our second boat tour and both Vyn and Lyn also remembered the time when we hiked to most of the water falls. 

On our way home the next day we visited Garlyn zoo.

The finishers of the half marathon all got this hand made medal.

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