KCK Soapery Blog

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Hartwick Pines 2015

Saw this butterfly on our yard before we left our driveway.
This time we decided to bring Bandit with us.  This was his first time to join us on a long drive and he was just a perfect 3rd row passenger.
He loves walking/running on the trails.   It rained a lot but we were able to squeezed in long walks in between the rain which goes on and off all the days we were there.
One of the trails have a little hill that everybody enjoyed a lot.  We also got a surprise visit from the grandma and grandpa one day and the kids were just thrilled.
These wild flowers were just every where and they looked pretty along the path.
Every time it was not raining, we tried to stay out as much as we can and this was how Bandit usually was.  He was a good camper, he only barked at kids who were running and screaming along.  But usually he just watched at people and pets around.
One of the activity that kept us occupied when it rained.  This year was the first time Hartwick Pines don't have any events going on the amphitheater.  Don't know if the program is being cut off or cancelled.  The girl watching the entrance does not seem to even know of any programs.  We shall see...
On our way home.

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