KCK Soapery Blog

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Returning to Work

Clinical Laboratory Technologist
Photo from: Best Medical Careers

I am very ecstatic right now as I write this.  I just received a call for an interview at a hospital for a job.  Don't get me wrong, I love being a stay at home mom and would gladly be one until retirement.  This period of my life has been fun and I thank God and the hubby for making it possible for me to be with the kids.   I love the women I have become friends with too.

Working outside the home will bring a huge change in our family dynamics.  Although it will come with its perks,  it will also come with its own stress.  But the need to get back to the medical world outweigh the cons.  Fortunately,  medical technologists can work different shifts.  So we shall see.
The journey started in February 2015.  I wanted to try out other paths in this life journey.  Whatever the reason is, I realized that it was now time for me to decide and check out other options available for me.  I know a lot of women who went back to school once their kids were in school.   I already have the education and the licenses/certifications.  But with over 10 year gap in work experience,  I was hopeful yet unsure how my resume will be received.     I tried searching job openings in my field and sent out applications, just to see if my resume will still get noticed. 

I sent out resumes and online applications where you fill out questionnaires for hours starting in late February.  One of the questions asked was: when did you finished high school?   Yeah, right!  That question will really tell the human resource personnel how old I am.   Some local hospitals don't accept my certification which made it a little disappointing as well.  I applied to a few hospitals in the area, applied for available positions ranging from entry level phlebotomists, medical laboratory technicians to medical technologists.  I just wanted to see if I can get my "foot in" back to the medical field.

More on disappointments.  A month into the job search and I started receiving "declines" and "sorry but we found a better candidate" emails from some of the hospitals.  If you are a medical technologist, take the exam for ASCP, they are much more preferable than AMT nowadays, at least here in Michigan. 
I was beginning to think that maybe I should consider going back to school.  Or maybe try out to be a jazzercise instructor instead.  If only being on the stage is not a frightening thought, it would be a no brainer.  Concentrating in my soap making and growing the handmade business - against all odds - is another option I was contemplating. 
Fortunately, I got the most awaited phone call.   Today, April 2, 2015 more than one month after sending out applications, I received my first phone call for an interview. 

Next week on Wednesday, April 8 at 10 in the morning, I am meeting two hospital laboratory managers and who knows who else will be there.   Hoping that I would give them a good impression.  That we will get a good rapport out of each other.  That they would give me a chance to get back in to the work force helping patients and doctors.
Crossing fingers and Praying for a very favorable outcome.

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