KCK Soapery Blog

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Dow Run/Walk 2015

This year's Dow Run/Walk falls on a weekend when we also had a few other stuff going on.  We did the one mile run on Saturday morning with my mother in law.   As you  might already know, I jazzercise but I don't really run.  Most of my running are done only for fun with the kids and the dog but nothing serious.  Father and son were far ahead of us girls right from the beginning, then my daughter joined the grandma and they too went far ahead from me.  I came in 4 minutes later than my daughter and mother in law.  Vyn was 10th in his age group.
Came home after the run and did some birthday celebration.   We then had to go for the dance recital which lasted almost 4 hours.  Vyn and the hubby were both surprised that they actually enjoyed the performance and had fun.

The hubby ran the half marathon Sunday.  He ran faster than last year.  We saw a few neighbor friends who runs but the hubby said that the event was getting less participation than the last couple years.  Hopefully, they will be able to get more registration next year.  The route was changed a little but fortunately it still went through our road.  The kids and I were able to cheer as the runners as the ran pass.
Lyn and I went for the second dance recital in the afternoon.  She got an award as one of the hard worker in her class.

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