KCK Soapery Blog

Wednesday, June 22, 2022

Recruit Training (Bootcamp)

Vyn got his papers in order and was medically approved to start being a  Poolee.  A poolee is an individual aspiring to be a marine but still need to finish high school or college and finish other affairs before starting bootcamp.  This can be 365 to 410 days of signing up.  

Vyn was determined to get himself physical trained and gain some weight that he was regularly at Planet Fitness or the community center.  He joined poolee events and training whenever possible.

He graduated from poolee life in June 2022 then he have to fill out more paper works and then scheduled to go to Parris Island for recruit training (bootcamp) for 13 weeks.  

He is there right now and I hope he perseveres through the challenges and come out victorious as a US Marine.

 Vyn's scheduled ship date for bootcamp was Monday, June 20, 2022.  We brought him to the Marine office in town at 0700 and they drove to another town to meet up with other poolees going to Parris Island, South Carolina, another poolee friend was shipping out the same date but to San Diego, California.

The only things he have with him were his driver's license, social security card, $40 for travel expenses and an address book.  I taped on some pages of the address book some pictures, wrote some encouraging things and have his grandma and some friends write on it as well and some stamps.  So hopefully once he get his address, he would send us a letter and we get to hear from him.

They stayed at Lansing MEPS hotel for the rest of the night and was sworn in on Tuesday, June 21, 2022.  We were checking for the video since he left just to see a glimpse of him.  We were so glad to find out that he and his friend stood right in the front for the swearing in that we get to see them for the full swearing in time.  Then they were off to start their travel by bus and plane and more bussing I think until they reached their final destination Parris Island, South Carolina.  

We got our call at 2350 Tuesday, June 21, 2022.  It was a very short eleven second call.  He was yelling off a script and then that was it.  There was a feeling of relief that at least he got to his destination and is well enough to yell to the phone.

Hoping for the next 13 weeks to come by fast so we get see him and hug him on family day and graduation day.


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