KCK Soapery Blog

Wednesday, June 22, 2022

The journey starts

Sometime in 2020, due to Covid -19 students were still doing some online schooling, my son decided to join the U.S. Military.  

One day while inside Barnes and Noble Bookstore, he asked me to buy books about the Marines, Navy and Air Force.


We borrowed books on ASVAB from our library

But he did not read it.  Since he thought he will need to take the exam after high school officially.  So I returned the books and in February of 2021, he took the exam just to see if he needed to really review and fortunately get better scores.  That first exam score  end up being the one used for his papers.

Yesterday, June 1, 2021, he got a call from a recruiter who wanted to meet up with him today, June 2, 2021 with a parent preferably.  We all thought it was just to get to know my son and to give him information.  The hubby went with him to the recruiting office at 1515.  They came back at 1730 telling me to get dress and go back to sign more papers.  Hubby already signed his part.

The feeling was so surreal.  Since, we were still hoping to get our son to get into college and do the usual things you hear kids do after high school.  But this is getting really real so fast.  I am not sure to feel sad or proud.  

Vyn, is going to start joining training this Saturday and meet some of the other poolees.  Next week, he is going to do MEPS on Monday in Lansing and Tuesday, he will officially be named a poolee if he is successful at the MEPS ( Military Entrance Processing Station ).

A Poolee is an aspiring Marine in Delayed Entry Program to fulfil requirements like finishing high school and other requirements.  Vyn joined Planet Fitness and trained with other Poolees to get themselves ready for the physical rigors of Marine bootcamp.  Here is a Marine website to read more about the DEP.

Tonight, I am going through this web page: https://rp.marineparents.com/ and https://www.marines.mil/.  

Thank you for stopping by.


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