KCK Soapery Blog

Sunday, October 29, 2017

Mackinac Island/Great Turtle Race 2017

The Great Turtle Race, the hubby has been running this race for years it has become one of our traditions during this time of year.  This year is also the 50th birthday of the hubby.   So instead of staying at our usual stay at Cabins of Mackinaw, we decided to splurge a little and stayed at The Grand Hotel.

Our view from Shepler's Ferry Miss Margy.

Sooooo excited!  Can't wait to see the inside.

View from our balcony.  The hotel was grand inside and out.  It was elegant, charming, very cozy and with most hospitality employees and interns being Filipinos, it is very comfortable as well.

Saturday on the day of the Turtle Run,  we expected a very windy cold and rainy day.  But fortunately, it turned out dry in the beginning and become cold and rainy when the hubby was in about 8 mile into the half marathon (13.1 Mile).

The kids and I walked  to the arch rock a few minutes ahead of the start time and waited for the runners there.

The hubby said that since the run started with the weather being so good, some of the runners started peeling off their sweaters and gloves as they run.

We climbed up the steps to the Arch.

This is our view from the top on the right.

View on the left.

The top of the steps was also the marker and water station for the last 5.2 mile of the race.

The medal for this year's race.  The hubby as usual was faster than the last turtle race and we missed seeing him finish this year.  He finished top 10 in his age group.  Congratulations to the hubby!!!  

Sunday, we decided to roam some more of the hotel inside and out.

Lyn wanted so much to ride this carriage since we got to the island on Friday but we decided to ride one on the last day.  She got her wish and more when she was allowed to ride right beside the carriage driver.  

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