KCK Soapery Blog

Thursday, August 24, 2017

Solar Eclipse August 21, 2017

 Thank you to my hubby's aunt Sally for sending us these solar eclipse kit.  We were able to watch the  eclipse and observe the sun, the moon and the sounds around before, during and after the eclipse 2017

When the hubby was a child, they used a home made sun viewing device using the cereal box.  The right side is cut out and replaced with an aluminum foil with a pin whole.  The middle cut out is the viewing area.  Definitely a cool way to watch the phenomenon in different perspective.

Here's a link of the solar eclipse from NASA

 We did not get the complete totality.  I saw a complete total eclipse in the Philippines in March of 1988.  We watched the eclipse using negatives.  Being in the photography business, we had a lot of negatives to pass around those who happened to walk through our store that afternoon.

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