KCK Soapery Blog

Thursday, April 11, 2013

My Very First Dress

Lyn was having fever last night, so today is a stay at home with mom day.   We decided to finally make the dress that a friend lend me her simplicity pattern for.  It is for making a pillowcase dress for kids.  Since I have a lot of  leftover fabric from the apron I made for Lyn, we used that and some of the pink quilting fabric leftovers.    As I was cutting the fabric and reading the pattern, I was reminded by another friend who mentioned that the tutorials are better for her.  Now I understand why she prefers the tutorials.  I can't imagine some of the directions and terminology used and so I went online and watched a few how to sew a dress for beginner's youtube tutorials.  Here is a tutorial that is for the same dress with ruffles.

Lyn was happy with the fabric she also chose the pink fabric from my increasing stash for the trim and ribbon.  She said "I like my dress" after putting it on and even when we are having a cold April weather, she is wearing it now and enjoying it.

I am just glad to be able to make something wearable.  It took me more than a week, to finally get the courage to just do it.

Thank you "C" for lending me your pattern.  I would not have bothered to try making a dress without it.  I might end up trying more designs and maybe make something for myself.  We shall see...

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