KCK Soapery Blog

Friday, April 12, 2013

April No-School Day Quilt

Couple of weeks ago, I bought a quilted bag pattern and a set of fabrics from our local Meijer. But when I got home, I can't follow the directions.   So I have a set of fabrics but no idea what to do with it.

Today, we had an unexpected "no school" day due to icy road.   Since the wall with the Easter Quilt have to be change.  I decided to make one to replace it.  It gave me the chance to use the fabrics originally bought for the bag.

Went to consult my ever trusted  "Quilted Devotions" book and found a pattern that don't need too much fabric.  It is titled "The Holy Spirit".

After cutting the fabrics, I tried this arrangement below and kind of liked it as well.  Maybe will try this on another project.

Picture below is the back.  As usual, trying to limit the increase of my stash.  Not really my original idea, I saw from  tutorials that a lot of quilters do it.  Mostly to save fabric and give a little design to the back as well.

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