Thursday, September 22, 2011

Smack Dab in the Middle of God's Love

This 23 page book is a great book for kids and everyone.  It tells the story of Willie Juan and his wife Ana.  A middle age couple in Hopi, Mexico.  They don't have kids of their own but are blessed with a lot of neighborhood kids who like to visit and hang out with them. 

One night while enjoying Ana's sopapillas ( a pastry that tasted like "happy" would taste like, if it can be tasted).  Willie Juan asked the kids:  Little friends, someday when you are in heaven.  What do you think Abba (God) will ask you? 

As they answered and discussed their answers, they learned about God's love for everybody.  That all of us are right in the middle of God's love. 

When I asked my 3 and 7 year olds the same question, they both answered " I don't know". The seven year old also asked why the couple can't have their own kids. Some reviewers don't like this part of the book as well. But all in all it tells us about God's love in a very easy to read book.

 I got this book free from Booksneeze in exchange for an honest review.

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