KCK Soapery Blog

Friday, June 22, 2018

Hartwick Pines June 2018

Hartwick Pines has become a yearly camping tradition.  This year is different.  We scheduled this camping trip early January since it gets full so fast.  Although we have known that Vyn wanted to be at varsity band now that he is going to be in high school.  We never thought that the weeks we would pick would conflict with band schedules.

But of course out of the three vacations scheduled and booked early in the year, only one is a go without need for modification.

Hartwick Pines did not get so lucky.  Getting a refund is ridiculous since you will get charged 30% of the price paid and other fees.  So we tried to continue with the tradition.  Instead of doing camp for four days as booked the kids and I did a one night camp.  We drove up Sunday afternoon and stayed until Monday around nine in the morning.  The hubby stayed two more days.

We tried to fit in as many of our usual activities as we can while there.  We stopped by the playground and the kids played as long as they feel like.  It was one of the hottest day of this month too in the 90's and by the way, my car's ac was not working at full capacity so the drive was not a comfortable one.

Did some hiking with Bandit.

This year we got home to dry and hot temperature that slowly cools.  Last year, it was coming home to a city that was flooded.

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