KCK Soapery Blog

Thursday, June 15, 2017

2017 Ludington Lakestride Half Marathon

The hubby decided on joining the half marathon in Ludington since it is very close (45 minute drive) from our lake house.

Click on this website half marathons to check on the event and the route.

       It was organized so runners were not crowded.  They have runners for half marathon, 10K and 5K.  Cars were parked a few blocks from the park and spectators near the finish line were not crowded as well. With the beach on one side, it was a great place to wait for the runners on their way back to the finish.

The hubby did great, almost break his own personal best.  Although he expected sandy route he was not prepped for the hills.

People break the Guinness Book  simultaneous sand angels on Saturday, June 10, 2017 in Ludinton.(Photo: Jeff Photo: Jeff Kiessel / AP The Detroit News June 10, 2017 / AP

That afternoon, Ludington break a Guinness Book of record on Sand Angels.  Check out the sand angel event here.

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