KCK Soapery Blog

Sunday, July 24, 2016

Grand Island Trail Marathon 2016

The hubby decided on running the full marathon for the Grand Island Trail Marathon this year.  This was his fourth year doing the Grand Island Trail run.  The first being a full marathon, the second and third were both half marathons and this was a full marathon.  This was the first year that the Grand Island hosted a 50K trail run as well.    

We stayed at the Hillcrest Cabins in Munising.  This has been our favorite place to stay in Munising so far.

We were able to ride the shuttle bus that drove us to the nine mile point and 22 mile point.  Below is the view from the 9 mile stop.

There were just about 20 of us that took the bus.  We saw was a mother who she stopped, ate some orange slices and had a drink of pop, chat with the daughters about how tough running on the beach was and off she went.  Some spectators missed their runners in this spot, but saw them at the 22 mile point.

Above and below pictures were taken from the Mather Lodge.

Unfortunately our shuttle bus left before the hubby reached this point.  Some of the spectators runners were fast and they don't want to miss their runners at the finishing line.

A hand blown medallion for the top runners.  Hubby was 3rd in his age group. 

A big thank you to the lady wearing a pink knee brace who went back to help the hubby when he tripped over some twigs about two miles from the finish line.

This was our ride back to Munising.

Huge CONGRATULATIONS to the hubby and all the runners.


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