KCK Soapery Blog

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Interview 2

Banner from my alma mater: Velez College Website

Thursday, May 28, 2015

I received an email from another hospital I applied for and it goes like this:

Thank you for applying with ------------. After reviewing your application, I would like to schedule an interview. Would you be available 6/3 or 6/4 at 1 pm? Please confirm or propose an alternate time.
Of course I scheduled for the earliest one.  Why delay, right?
June 3 at 1 pm was yesterday and I had a great time talking with the manager and another technologist/manager.  They gave me a tour of the laboratory and I met some of the technologists, phlebotomists and other laboratory staff.  They were great and I thought we had a great rapport as well.
Questions asked were mostly about how I will react to situations and how I feel about things.  I think they approved of my answers.  Then the technical questions came.  Although I tried to read a reviewer, I still am not finish so I was not prepared for these questions.  The ten year gap of employment was only mentioned once.  ASCP is the required certification, they just asked if I am willing to take the exam. within six months of employment if I do get hired.

This time I left a copy of my written references from previous employers,  a list of current friends who are willing to be my references and a copy of my certification scores from the Philippines (PAMET), Canada (OSMT) and United States (AMT).

After the interview, I received a phone message from yet another hospital willing to give me a chance and would like to set up an interview.
Anyways, today Thursday, June 4, 2015 I was out most of the day.  When I got home I have a phone message from the human resources of the hospital.  I WAS OFFERED THE JOB!!!  Doing the happy dance....

Friday, June 5, I called the second hospital and cancelled my interview date.  It would have been a good way for me to get more interview experience and if hired I could negotiate for the hospital  willing to pay more.  But this hospital is almost an hour drive away and the one that offered the job is just a few minutes away.  

Hoping for everything to go smooth with this hospital that just hired me.

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