KCK Soapery Blog

Sunday, July 13, 2014

Ludington and Platte River June 2014

We got a little behind schedule for the drive but we arrived at Ludington State Park and finished setting up our camper by 4:30 pm.   Weather was perfect, cloudy, windy and cool.  We walked to the beach and the kids played in the water.   Then we visited the campground gift shop, checked out the  bathrooms and then Vyn entertained us with his magic tricks while Lyn and guama made loom bracelets.  The first night was quiet and we slept soundly until the neighbor's dogs started barking.
The second day, we went downtown Ludington, Lyn and I climbed our first lighthouse the "North Breakwater Lighthouse".  We stopped by House of Flavors for lunch where we also had a huge serving of ice cream for dessert. 
The hubby got excited when we happened to park right in front of a coffee roastery by chance.  Although they serve coffee drinks, they ran out of roasted coffee beans for sale which was a huge disappointment.  So we ended up buying his roasted coffee at a local organic store.  We ended the second day watching a campground concert by "Mike Lynch".  Who happens to be a very entertaining local guy.
Third day was a great day for playing in the beach, it was warm and sunny.  Then we walked to Hamlin Dam where deers were just watching us by the trails.
Fourth day, we drove to Platte River Campground.  We drove by a few smalls towns that were very picturesque.
Since we were not able to make reservations early enough, we got the rustic campground site.  Much to my delight, we were right next to the bathroom which includes shower rooms operated by tokens that cost $1.00 supposedly for 6 minute showers, but everybody was able to finish before the token ran out.    So the rustic part was just that there is no electricity available in our sites.
They were doing some construction in the Dune Climb parking lot.  Something to look forward to when we visit the area again.
Mama climbed her first sand dune and made it to the first plateau.  The kids and dad went all the way up.
 Fighting the gravity.
Fun run on the way down.  Mama and I just walked.
The next day was raining, foggy and windy in the morning.  We drove by the dune and as you can see in the picture above, people still climbed it.  I wonder if it actually would be easier to climb wet, packed sand.


It was foggy and windy in the morning but we still drove the loop just in case the weather gets worse. 

The afternoon was sunny and so we visited Glen Haven which is a historic village.  We stopped by the blacksmith's shop, the general store, the hotel and the cannery/boat musum.  Lots of history to the place but it was also loaded with black flies which were vicious.

Since it turned out to be a beautiful sunny afternoon, we drove up the scenic drive again.

So glad we were able to share these view with mama.

We also visited Glen Arbor and stopped by our favorite coffee roastery the Leelanau Coffee a roastery where we can really buy roasted coffee and have drinks as well.  We also visited some stores and of course The Great Lakes Tea and Spice shop  for my tea supply and our last stop was The Grocer's Daughter for some delicious chocolates.

Until the next adventure.  Thank you for visiting.


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