KCK Soapery Blog

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Spoon Swirl Cold Process

This recipe came from The Everything Soap Making Book.  After reading this book and watching a few more youtube videos, I just can't wait for my first batch to cure.  The temptation to try another recipe and another swirling technique is just too much and I finally gave in. 


Lye 4.8 oz.
Water 10 oz.
Olive Oil 1 lb. 2 oz.
Coconut Oil 8 oz.
Palm Oil 6 oz.
Castor Oil 1 oz.

I used up all of my Olive oil from Bramble Berry and had to add some of  my kitchen olive oil to get the weight needed for this recipe.  My excitement change to anxiety when I poured all the olive oil and still it was not enough.

Learned to line my mold in a way that my soap came out without folds this time.  It was a little tedious since I don't really know what I was doing. 

My colorants did not blend well with the oils I used to dilute them in.   So I just added more colorants to the divided traced batter instead.  The episode with the olive oil then the colorants made me forget to add the lavender essential oil I planned to add for this soap.  So this batch is going to end up being an unscented soap batch.  Hopefully it will still be as moisturizing as it should be.

Before swirling

After spoon swirling

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