KCK Soapery Blog

Sunday, December 22, 2013

May to December 2013

December 28, 2013

Beautiful day for snow making

Bandit enjoying the snow.

We also made some craft.

December 25, 2013

Because of my surprise the hubby explained that it was supposed to be my 40th birthday present for 2012 that was not finished on time. So he decided to make it our 10th wedding anniversary present earlier this year. Hubby was about to cancel purchase but seller was finally able to finished design for today. Wonderful, Funtabulous, Merry Christmas to all!

December 17, 2013

Last night, hubby went to get the newspaper came back with nothing.
hubby: did we pay our newspaper bills, we don't have delivery today
me: we did not receive any bills yet, but its been a while.
I know, we can sign up for autopay and it will be our family Christmas gift.
Vyn: NOOOOO, that is boring

December 12, 2013

We've been having single digit temperatures and Bandit decided to find a new place to hang out when we are not around. His basement bed is not as cozy anymore. Caught him a couple of times snuggled on the kids' beds these past few days.
December 4, 2013
I thought I was just helping/volunteering but I got my first check after 8 years of being out of the workforce. What a delightful surprise.
December 1, 2013
The Turkey basketball tournament.  The boys are learning how to play the game and handled the ball better.  More fun watching the game this year than last year.
November 30, 2013
PANEM (Philippine Association of NorthEastern Michigan) gala.  This is my second gale with the association and the hubby decided to join us this year.  It was a fun night with the whole family and Filipino friends.
November 23, 2013
My friends and I held a fundraising event to help victims of Typhoon Haiyan/ Yolanda which hit the Visayas region of the Philippines.
It all started when my mother in law called saying she wanted to donate her handcrafted jewelries to a fundraising event.  She called me on the 13th of November and then the ball just started rolling with friends willing to help in any way possible.
So proud of my friends who made this possible.  It was a successful event even when our area was hit by a storm days before the event and some friends have no electricity for a couple days.  It was also a cold and snowy day but still people showed up to support the cause.  A Great Thank You to Eveyone.
We are able to send funds through UMCOR of First United Methodist church, given some funds to a friend in Michigan whose family is directly affected and some of the funds also went to my friend in Cebu who is directly buying necessities and going to affected areas to help.
October 19, 2013
Vyn: How old can a person live?
Me: depends if a person don't get into accident, don't get any serious illness and take very good care of their body, then 80 to 100 maybe if we are lucky.
Vyn: Can a person live till 900?
Me: not that I know of.
Vyn: how about in bible days?
Me: don't know
This goes on for a few minutes, me insisting it is impossible to live till 900 and he insisting there is.
Vyn: I have proof, then he went to his bedroom and came back with the bible with the proof page open for me to read.
October 17, 2013
This morning:
Me: be done already, you are using too much water, the world will run out of water.
Lyn: the ocean will not run out
Me: you will not like to shower with salt water
Lyn: God will give us more water. He will tell us to break rocks or crack mountains to get clean water.
September 14, 2013
Me: Don't do that, you don't know what kind of poop or whatever is on the ground.
Vyn: Ma, you are too sensitive, the whole world is full of germs.
Lyn: ma I wish school is more funner.
Me: why, are you not having fun?
Lyn: I can't finish anything, everything is timed.
September 2, 2013
First day  pf school was great.
Lyn: I want to ride the bus home tomorrow.
Vyn: I love school. It's so fun.
September 1, 2013
Lyn: Ma I have a thousand butterflies in my tummy.
I am soo glad there will be some familiar faces when she start kindergarten.
August 22, 2013
First ever sleep over for Vyn
August 19, 2013
Hubby announced: I already bought my birthday gift, so you're off the hook. Of course his birthday is still months away. Me on the other hand just have a few days more to buy my own birthday gift.
While shopping, somebody asked his back " do you work here"
Hubby while turning around: I don't work here, upon seeing the person, I work with you.
August 13, 2013
Vyn: dogs are like people, when hungry they get cranky.
August 10, 2013
Lyn: My hot chocolate is very hot.
Vyn: Mine is hotter.
Lyn: No mine is hotter.
Me: Here we go again.
Lyn: Ok, it's time to ignore each other.
No more milk:
dad: oh we should just milk Bandit.
Vyn: but he is male
Lyn: there is nothing to squeeze.
July 21, 2013
Lyn: Nooooo, only me can do that. Tickle me when I am bad.
July 19, 2013
While playing skylander
Boy 1: You guys can play it first because I am already awesome at this game.

While playing pool
Boy 2: I am better at this than any of you.
July 14, 2013
In the hospital yesterday visiting family:
F: I am perfectly healthy until I came to the hospital.
During questioning:
Healthcare: Do you have any problems falling?
F: No, but I have problems getting up.
July 9, 2013
Vyn: Mama she is tattle telling a lie...
June 20, 2013
At karate this afternoon with other parents. While talking about vacation plans and pros and cons of camping.

A: What do you prefer, country life or city life?
Me: I like it both, but I miss city life because I like people watching, the street cars, buses, subways,every restaurants and conveniences all in walking distance.
M: (walking into the room ) Lots of rude people in big cities, drivers thought they own the roads
A: drivers like that are present here.
M: Midland is a big city.
 A: No, it's a little town with an attitude.


June 12, 2013
Vyn: I am done eating. You girls are so slow.
Lyn: That is how princesses eat... slow....
More observation for the day:

Vyn: Why is it that when we don't have a dog, we usually don't have anywhere to go. Now that we have Bandit we are always on the go?
May 20, 2013
while planting our flowers this afternoon:
Lyn: I love gardening...
May 19, 2013
Vyn: my favorite in school is gym, art and science.
Lyn: my favorite is birthdays, art, reading and small group






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