KCK Soapery Blog

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Assorted Designs

A crafty friend thankfully lend me her soap molds.  Made me realized the potentials I can play with the different shapes.  For the round and hexagon, I did the double pour technique of basic white soap base and a clear soap base I colored with blue.  Although not an award winning design for people to go gaga over with, I was happy with the result.  It turned out just as I expected.  Pictures below shows the other side of the above soaps.

The awareness ribbon was a mold I bought for the October Awareness Month.  As you can see in the picture below.  The soap with the ribbon on top of the soap turned out just right.  Since, I like playing around, I decided to make the ribbon looked like it was embedded inside the rectangle and oval soap molds.  I did not get the result I expected for these.  I intended for the ribbon to be seen through a clear base but the white soap took over the entire ribbon. We can still see some part of the pink ribbon peeking out.  The plan was for the ribbon to be embedded inside the soap but completely visible supposedly.  I will have to play some more to get what I am envisioning for this. 

I had some leftover pink soap to fill up three happy face molds. 
 Till the next project. Thank you for stopping by. 

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