KCK Soapery Blog

Friday, September 6, 2013

A Little Buggy - Finished

Finally!  I got this Little Buggy project finished.  It ended up being 44X 55 inches and the biggest so far for me.  I think this is the biggest I could go until I really get the hang of this and can figure out every little thing that goes on with the machine.  I originally planned to be done with it before school starts.  But I got into some machine trouble when I started quilting and it was stubbornly not correcting itself for a while.  I tried different tension settings but it was when I changed the bobbin thread that everything went smoothly again.

Picture below is the back and it is now all tightly quilted again.  Almost used up all my chicken fabric as well.
Now I am ready for another project.  Let's see what's next in my quilting journey....

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