KCK Soapery Blog

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

June 2013 Camping

Thursday,  June 13, first real camping trip of the year at Hartwick Pines.  The day started out with Bandit being dropped off at the kennel.  Glad we were early, dogs for grooming and boarding started showing up a few minutes after and some of them really frightened Lyn.  Vyn said "ma Bandit is the most behave dog there. 

Since it was our first camp for the year, essentials like cooking oil, butter and even ketchup were not packed.  So we went driving through Grayling town and did a little shopping and had a little picnic by the river.
We expected another round of lectures about Beavers and bogs.  But upon checking the schedule we learned that it will be about "Bats" the first night and "Owls" on our second night there.  The tour for the bog was cancelled because of flood damages.

We walked downtown and stopped by a new 50's Diner the next day.  Vyn had so much fun he said " I hope this restaurant will still be open when we come back next year".  Usually I don't buy anything during camping trips but this time, I bought, a skirt from one of the souvenir stores and a quilt kit "A Little Buggy" from the Icehouse Quilt Shop.

Grandma and grandpa surprised us with a visit.  The kids went biking and played in the playground.

We hiked the Old Growth Trail on Saturday.
We visited The Wellington Farm on Sunday "Father's Day".  It is a working history farm where everything is still in the 1930's.
Monday, we hiked another trail.

Tuesday, June 18.  Although Bandit was happy and excited when we picked him up from the kennel, he gave us a few of this look once we got home. 

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