KCK Soapery Blog

Monday, January 21, 2013

My Very First Quilt


Today is the day I finally took the courage to really try quilting.  These fabrics are not ironed out or cut precisely for anything.  I got them from our leftover fabric stash from the No Sew Quilt Christmas Ornament we made last month.  Just trying out what quilting is like.

The whole quilt measured 9 X 14 inches.  I watched a lot of youtube videos on how to do this and so far I think I got the connecting of small fabrics for the quilt top correctly.  However, it took me a few tries to put the binding fabric together.   I definitely still have a lot of other techniques to learn.  This is the most basic way of doing it.   I also need to learn how to position seams for a smoother result.   As you can see the quilting was not smooth but the videos all mentioned that it will slowly come as we practice more.  Something to look forward to and to keep me busy for sure.

These two pictures are the back and if anybody could tell me how to prevent the top thread from becoming loose in the back, that would be greatly appreciated.  It was all smooth in the beginning then it started loosening in the middle but was gone and was tight again for the zig zag pattern.

I can't wait for all these lines and quilting to show some smoothening and tightening.  Then I can play with colors, fabrics and designs.  I would love to see if I have any creative juices running in my veins.  If I don't have the juice, then it will still be fun playing with colors, fabrics and quilting designs.


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