KCK Soapery Blog

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

My First Ever Apron

This is the first ever apron that I sew by myself.  So lame.  But I am sooo proud of myself, hehehe.  The hubby bought me a sewing machine years ago.   I never got inspired to learn how to really use it.  Fortunately,  I ran into some handmade art that I would like to do.  So,  I decided to start to learn and create or maybe design something myself for 2013.  Of course, I have to start learning from the very basics and go from there.  I bought the kit which includes the fabric and instructions from Walmart.  Spend hours watching "how to sew" in youtube.  So glad I can still  follow instructions.  It took me a good 2 1/2 hours to finished this apron.  I obviously need to learn more "sew" language.  Try not to look at all the stitching details, it got a lot of flaws.  But I think it is a good first sewing project for me. 


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