KCK Soapery Blog

Saturday, December 15, 2012

October-December 2012

December 24,, 2012

hubby: What's that?
me: Oh, that's your gift for me...

December 23, 2012

While driving this afternoon. Vyn was testing his sister's math skills.
Dad: That is very good for a preschooler.
Vyn: Lyn is going to be very smart when she is in 3rd grade.
Me and dad: hmmmm
Vyn: Lyn is lucky to have a brother.

December 22, 2012

Me; you guys watch a movie
Dad: ok, let's see we have Barbie Christmas Carol.
Vyn: No, it's booooring
Lyn: It's NOT boring, it's girlie.

December 20, 2012

Lyn: Ma, I don't like cold hot chocolate.

December 19, 2012

While walking around this afternoon:
Lyn: Ma, it looks like it is going to be a green Christmas.
Me: agreed
Lyn: I still hope for snow on Christmas Day though.

December 15, 2012

While reading a horoscope in a deli this afternoon. Vyn's sign says: Former colleagues will open new doors....
Vyn: Why do they need to open doors for me. I can open doors myself.

December 13, 2012

Vyn: Why do we need to have lots of tests?
Me: So the teacher will know if you are remembering the things she is teaching
Vyn: Why.
Me: So you can go to college and get a good job
Vyn: Why
Me: So you can buy a nice house and nice things.
Vyn: Why do people invent things. Why can't I just live in a house made of sticks like the Indians do and plant my own food. I just want to relax and enjoy life.

December 7, 2012

Me: Do you want to go visit Santa House?
Vyn: Let's go when there is snow.

November 30, 2012

Vyn after his shower.  How did Jayden get cancer?  Why did Jayden have it?  Now I can't see Jayden again.  I am sooo mad at cancer.

November 3, 2012

Hubby:  I am going outside to do some yard work.  Nobody notices how hard I work in the weekends.
All:  We notice....
Vyn:  You should get an allowance.
Me:  How about me, should I get an allowance too?
Lyn:  No, you just take care of us.

October 8, 2012

Me:  You go to preschool to learn not to be pretty.  I need to dress you warm because you will be outside a lot and if you end up being warm and pretty it is a plus.
Lyn:  Right mama, and I am always pretty anyways.

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