KCK Soapery Blog

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Twelve Extraordinary Women

A church friend invited me to join their study group and this was my first book with them.  If you have been reading this blog, you know I read a few Christian base books.  Reading the Bible has not been part of my life yet.   But I like reading about what people think about God.  After a few meetings about this book, I got interested and learned some things about some women in the Bible and their faith in God, even under the circumstances and situations they were in.  How God used them and how we as women of today could learn from them.
Then the chapter about Mary the Mother of Jesus came and all I can say is if you are a devout Catholic, you will not like this chapter.  The whole chapter was  difficult to read for me since it basically tells us what the author thinks about Catholicism.  He thinks that Mary was extraordinary but consider the Catholics' devotion to her as a cult practice.  The whole chapter is very anti-catholic.
John Macarthur is obviously a respected pastor who wrote a lot of books about people in the Bible.  These are his own versions, his assumptions and interpretations of what people in the Bible time was like.  Who am I to say otherwise,  I have not read even the whole book of Genesis, I don't have a degree on how to teach about God.
But the more Christian books I read, the more I understand why my first blog about God was being received badly.  Not everybody wants to believe in One God.  Each of us interprets our God our own way.  If a person is intelligent, have backers with money, is a great speaker and charismatic enough to have followers, then you can start your own church, translate and interpret the Bible in your own way and grow your church.
I think that ancient times when travelling was difficult, God may have come to Earth, showed himself at different times and different parts of the world in a way that people of that era and place will understand HIM.  When travelling was made possible, people who thought they were superior starts conquering other groups of people which started changing  people's traditions, views and even about how they pray to God.
Now with phones, internet, boats and airplanes.  The World is getting smaller, we can reach anybody anywhere, but morality and our perception of God is getting wider and far apart even more.  Church leaders are wondering why people going to church are getting fewer.  For me, I think it is because of too much churches claiming to bring the truth and that only their church and their interpretation of God will save us.   Now if you are young, wanted to go learn about God, which church will you go to?  How do you know that the church you are attending is really teaching the truth?  Or do we just go to the church where most of our family and friends go, if they don't go, then we don't go.

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