KCK Soapery Blog

Friday, June 8, 2012

Camping May 2012

On our way to the grandma's place for the long weekend, we passed by a lot of farms where cows and horses were just happily grazing around enjoying the nice weather.
Hubby: I want to own a horse
Lyn: But you don't have a farm.

As usual the grandma have a lot in store to keep the kids busy.  One night after fishing, kayaking, playing all sorts of balloon games and water games.  Both kids were singing around the trailer before sleeping time.
Lyn:  You have to let me sing solo because I'm the younggest.
Vyn: Does not mean you have to win all the time.

While kayaking, Lyn riding with the grandma and Vyn riding on his own.  The grandma kept on cheering on what a good job Vyn was doing maneuvering around the lake by himself.
Lyn: What did he do?

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