KCK Soapery Blog

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Every Last One

This was my first Anna Quindlen book.  A fb friend  "like" her and after reading the overview of her books, I decided on this one.  Her writing style is definitely different from any of the books I have read.   Her characters are very real, they could be anybody we would run into.

The book was written as a narrative by the lead charater Mary Beth Latham, married to an ophthalmologist and a mother of three teenagers, Ruby a senior and  twins Max and Alex.   She also operates her own landscaping business.  They are what we would describe as a typical American family living in the suburbs.  Mary Beth would describe her every day triumphs and struggles as a mother to teenagers and balancing her life between parenting and business.   Then an unspeakable tragedy befalls the family. 

Every Last One is about insights, foresights, how  parents  tried their best in every situation and hope that their best is enough for everybody.  How people survive, cope and deal with tragedies.   

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