KCK Soapery Blog

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Cross Wall Hanging Quilt

The hubby suggested a cross wall hanging for my next project.  But I was not able to find any free tutorials for the cross quilts I found online.  Thanks to a local fabric/quilt shop "Material Mart Quilt Shop," I was able to buy a copy of the book "Quilted Devotions".  This is the third quilt block in the book and is titled "The Cross".

Quilted Devotions is a very interesting quilting book which includes 24 block sampler quilt.  The author Lisa Cogar included a quote from the bible for each of the block section.  Each section also contain very detailed instructions and patterns on how to cut and piece together all the fabrics.  A completed block can be put together with the other blocks to give us a big quilt or in my case this is a 14 X 14  inches quilt we are going to use as a wall hanging.

Since this is a requested quilt and will likely be on our wall the whole year, I did not play with my free motion quilting design for it.  I decided to just go traditional and line quilted throughout the whole quilt.   Understandably, from what I have produced so far with my previous quilts, the hubby and the kids all liked the lines better than my other quilting designs.

This picture was taken after I finished all the fabric cutting and put all the small pieces together to see how it would look.  I was satisfied with the fabric choices and again a big thank you to the person who helped me at the shop.

This is the back.  Again, I went traditional and used the same fabric I used for the cross, to the back of the quilt.  It was big enough that I decided not to do any more cutting and sewing for it.

This was a six hour project from cutting to the end.  Since I only have limited fabrics and wanted to finish the project the same day, I spent a few seconds more to do each cut and each sewing just to check and double check that I will not make any mistake.  Of course every cut also includes a few minutes of answering the why, how and what questions I get from my 4 year old, who also likes to arrange the pieces her own way.   The "WOW" I heard when I finally get the chance to finish my arrangement was worth all the minutes trying to be patient to both the fabric and Lyn.


  1. Very nice. I love it!

  2. thank you Marilyn. It was a great feeling seeing the final product.
